I don't normally read news about the Philippines. First, because I have no time. Second, because I just feel down and disappointed on what I read. The least I could do is read the headlines listed at the right corner of this blog without really getting into the details. Today, my eyes were caught by this headline: Pope's reaction drew interpretations over Arroyo administration which led me to click on the link at once. What the heck are they mixing again? Politics and religion, don't you think they have to be tackled separately for the betterness of everybody?
Here's a quote from the article:
Malacanang officials and proponents of Charter change were elated at what they believed was the blessing the Pope gave to the Arroyo administration's campaign to revise the Constitution.
That sent them to euphoria, people. Blessing from the Pope! Onli in da Pilipins! Do you really think Berlusconi (from Italy), Zapatero (from Spain), De Villepin (from France) or any other political figure from a dominantly-catholic country would ask blessing from the Pope for a revision of their constitution? I guess they react mainly in function of their current social, economic and political situation. They use intelligence and not prayers.
And what's with this Parliamentary form of government they want to propose? I only see a grand mafia behind that slogan and an infinite power to those who are already in political position. I can see my dear Philippines dying because of the Filipinos. I don't think that kind of government is adopted to a corrupt country like ours. This would just boil down to a big corporation of few selected people who would rule the country.
Kawawa naman si Juan de la Cruz.
The Pope and the President
Posted by Analyse at 4:29 PM
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Labels: On En Parle, Pinay Rants
Allez Les Bleus
Posted by Analyse at 10:59 PM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I have predicted the elimination of France this afternoon, and no wonder, I couldn't pass for Madame Auring. France won over Spain 3-1, winning goals courtesy of Frank Ribery (41'), Patrick Vieira (82')and Zinedine Zidane (92+').
I could still hear cars hooting outside 15 minutes after the match! I'm sure it will be in the headlines in the office tomorrow. Expect low productivity.
But the game isn't over yet. Still a long and hard way to go before the finals. Will they beat Brazil this Saturday? It will surely be a much-awaited match! Rendez-vous infront of your television set on July 1, 9pm.
More news on FIFA World Cup 2006.
Picture courtesy of FIFA site.
Labels: On En Parle
Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth
Posted by Analyse at 5:22 PM
Monday, June 19, 2006
I'm in deep merde. Bad luck, mistake, missed train.. always come when they shouldn't.
I'm working as a support on a priority and strategic project for our company. To have an overview, there are 3 main steps in our workflow. First, we produce the material. Then we add a 2-step technology for the added values which makes our product more sophisticated and of course, more expensive than our competitors'. My job falls on the first phase of the 2-step process and the project concerns the final step. That means that I'm not directly working on it , I just supervise the process prior to the final step. Easy, right?
The problem is, the final step won't run without our precious intervention on phase one.
Yesterday, operator 1 came back from vacation. She thought operator 2 did her job well while operator 2 actually relied on her. Me thought, everything was ok as usual especially that operator 1 was back. Confident me did not even check the work area, thinking two operators are better than one. Today, there were no processed product for the final step. And the products in question were to be used for customer survey - ya know, the products that should be processed with no mistake! I guess I'm really in for a deep merde.
Labels: Travail-On the side
My Little Nomad III
Posted by Analyse at 5:53 PM
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
The doting and ever loyal mamarazzi followed this little nomad as she explored the world of bigger people. The presence of her Mommy and Daddy from the Philippines obliged her to pursue her adventures at a more accelerated pace resulting to more discoveries, not only on her part but also for the mamarazzi. Follow me as I follow her...shhhh.Camping at Collioure - at 6.5 months! With the duvet and contoured changing pad in tow, sound sleep on the go. This changing pad has actually found another function, it will surely be added on our to-bring list. Bath time was a guaranteed intimate moment with mamarazzi and papa Frenchguy (yes, we were 3 inside that 1m2 shower cubicle! ... red tub no more.
Sunbathing - Lil nomads suggestion is to pamper lil nomads like her with sunscreen creams with at least SPF 50 with wider spectrum (Sun Protection Factor which could block UVB and UVA). Well, at least in France where UV index is quite high most of the time. The cream pampering session should be repeated every 2 hours to ensure good protection and TLC from mamarazzi. Sun exposure should of course be taken with moderation.
Mountain Hiking - Not more than 1500 meters altitude for babies less than 6 months. But what about babies living in high altitudes? Anyhoo, I caught this lil nomad having great time with her papa Frenchguy while climbing the Pic du Canigou (2784m). They stopped halfway at around 1800 m alt, because like sun exposure, adventures should be equally taken with moderation.
Night Partying - and this lil nomad had the energy to feel the Barcelona life up to past midnight. I guess she was caught in the ambiance, with people walking everywhere and talking out loud.
Kayaking - ehem, she just had the feel of it ... out of the water.
.. and contented herself watching her papa Frenchguy as he glided into the waves.
Enough for a 7 months old little girly... more of her next time ;)
Tax Season
Posted by Analyse at 9:58 AM
Thursday, June 01, 2006
It's tax season again. The nouveauté this year is that we received our tax declaration file already filled up. A little modification here and there and voila, it's done. But that didn't add a single bit of motivation to declare our taxes earlier. Is it because it involves money going out of our pocket? Probably. Those blue documents have been messing up our to-do files since early May so I decided to look up on it last night.
Another nouveauté this year is the coming of Louna. I did two computation simulations to check the benefits of having her around, financially speaking of course. Aside from the happiness and fulfillment she brought in our life, she also let us save 1,500€ from our taxes. Not bad, you say? Well, I thought we could save bigger. Ok, ok, I'll keep my mouth shut and stop complaining!
Related entry: Tax Me Not
Labels: The Frenched Life